For many people, they wind up wearing the same shoes to work on a regular basis. Because of this, it often makes sense to invest in quality shoes that will last for a while and keep your feet feeling comfortable all day long. This might mean buying shoes with special insoles or investing in leather shoes to help you give off a great impression at work. But when you wear the same shoes all day long, there’s a good chance that they could start to stink.
If you’ve noticed that your shoes have started to have an off-putting smell, here are three things to try if your work shoes start to stink.
Clean Inside With A Home Remedy
One of the first things that you can try when your shoes start to stink is to wash them. But if your shoes are made of something like leather or suede, you can’t just throw them in the washing machine.
What you may want to try is a home remedy for cleaning the inside of your shoes without submerging them in water. One option you might want to try could include putting vinegar, water, and tea tree oil in a spray bottle and spraying that mixture onto a cloth. You can then use that cloth to rub and scrub on the inside of the shoes and the sole. This can help to clean bacteria that cause odors and prevent them in the future, too.
Work On Absorbing The Moisture
One of the biggest reasons why people’s shoes start to stink is because of moisture in the shoes. This can happen due to the shoes getting wet from water or snow or from feet sweating inside the shoes. Either way, you’ll need to find a way to absorb this moisture to keep the smells down.
When you take your shoes off, try putting cedar block into the shoes to help absorb any moisturizer that’s still in them. You can also try not wearing the same shoes two days in a row to allow them more time to dry out.
Place Deodorizers In The Shoes When Not Being Used
To help fight off odor even more, you should look for deodorizers that you can place in your shoes when they aren’t being worn.
If you think your shoes can handle it, you can try some commercial products that have been marketed to make shoes smell better. But if you want to make your own deodorizers, you can try things like tea bags, cat litter, baby powder, salt, and more.
If you want to get your work shoes to stop stinking so much, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find ways to make this happen.