Quitting smoking is something that as many as 28 million people in the USA alone do. With the average cost of cigarettes being $8 a pack, and the average smoker smoking two to three packs a week, it can add up over the course of the year!
Beyond the financial burden of smoking, cigarettes also come with a considerable amount of health concerns. For this reason, as many as 2 out of 3 smokers say that they’re ready to kick the habit. Yet, wanting to quit smoking and actually quitting are very different things. You’ll need the right tips if you hope to succeed. To help you on your journey, here are some of the most practical tips for quitting smoking.
Arm Yourself With the Right Tools
The first thing you’ll need to do is make sure that you set yourself up for success with the right tools. While quitting cold turkey is possible, and something many people manage to do, not everyone handles it the same way.
If you’re a pretty heavy smoker, then quitting right away could lead to serious withdrawals and even psychological backlash. Consider buying a vape or nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off. Many people find that gum is helpful as well. Whenever you have the urge to smoke, chew a piece of gum. This will help take the edge off yet also signal to your body that it’s time to cut back.
Replace Your Bad Habit With Good Ones
Replacing smoking with healthy alternatives like physical exercise or a new hobby is a great way to occupy yourself and make room for positive changes. When you start taking on healthy lifestyle habits, you’ll start to see the benefits right away and stay motivated to keep going.
Stay Positive
Any time we embark on a challenging journey, half of the battle is staying motivated to keep going. It’s easy to want to give up and throw in the towel early. Yet, in order to stay motivated, we have to stay positive.
Remember why you’re quitting and all of the great things you’re doing for your body. If you give in and smoke, don’t be cruel to yourself. Many smokers find themselves falling off the wagon mid-journey! Trust yourself that you’ll eventually get there, and hop back on the horse!
Ask Your Friends to Support You
If you have friends who smoke, it’s hard to stay motivated to quit. Ask your friends to support you, and discourage you from picking up on the habit again. Even if they smoke, they should be supportive of your dedication to quit, without leading you into temptation!
Everyone in your life, whether a smoker or not, should ideally support your new life change and be as encouraging as possible. After all, it’s a positive change!