Your carbon footprint is a measure of your impact on the environment based on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted as a result of your activities. You may wonder how we can reduce carbon footprint. There are a number of ways within the environment that we can actually contribute to reducing our carbon footprint.
One practical suggestion is that when we are using energy we try to do so more efficiently. What does that mean? Well when we use electricity and natural gasses it generates gas emissions. If we were to install energy efficient systems and equipment then we could save energy and therefore reduce our carbon footprint. We are probably all guilty of leaving a cord plugged in a socket even after we have finished charging a device. In the United States alone this power drains up to $19 billion in energy every year. If a cord is plugged into a socket it is drawing energy, so we can play our part in reducing our carbon footprint by leaving our devices unplugged.
Another option is to install renewable energy systems. Many of us have seen houses with solar panels attached to the roof or even wind turbines in some cases, these have a significant impact on the environment as well as having a double impact by saving you money on your energy bills. They are certainly an investment worth looking in to.
You could also try to conserve water, energy and emissions are released when heating up our water. By reducing water heater temperatures and installing low flow shower heads, this can help towards reducing the amount of water used.
Transport is a huge contributor to CO2 emissions, you could play your part by walking, cycling or even using public transport. By choosing to leave your car at home you will be making an immediate impact on the reducing of your carbon footprint. Increasing populations have made public transport more effective and certainly much more necessary than ever before. The United States unlicensed transportation saves 37 million tons of carbon emissions each year. You can play your part by putting them to use whenever you travel.
An environmentally friendly way to absorb CO2 is by planting some greens in your garden. Even if you live in a city apartment you can still contribute by planting balcony flowers. Use your garden area to plant a few trees or even a vegetable garden, this is such a quick and easy way to reduce your carbon footprint. Talking of vegetables, whenever possible try to eat local produce. Using foods that are grown locally, on a farm or local shop, the environmental cost is significantly reduced. Do your best to avoid processed foods, choose whole foods that are better for the planet and in the long term will also be better for yourself.
There really are some simple but effective ways that you can contribute to reducing carbon footprint sand how much better would you feel knowing that you have been able to play your part.