The human body is nothing but complex. Everything needs to work in a certain way for the body to function as intended.
This is the same for organs, tissues, cells, and, yes, hormones.
Take the hormone testosterone, for example. When the body stops producing the required hormone levels (andropause), several other things may start going wrong.
Here are some of the things that happen when there is a dip in testosterone. This should help you recognize andropause symptoms.
1. Low Sex Drive
Some men can maintain their sexual desire at significantly low testosterone levels. For some, their libido might lag even at normal levels.
Still, low testosterone levels are normally to blame for a low sex drive.
2. Difficulty With an Erection
Testosterone does not only stimulate a man’s libido; it also supports the achievement and maintenance of an erection.
The hormone does not maintain an erection by itself. Instead, it triggers receptors in the brain to release nitric oxide. This nitric oxide is what triggers the necessary chemical reactions required for an erection to come about.
Lower testosterone levels can therefore affect one’s ability to have and sustain an erection.
3. Hair Loss
There are numerous reasons why people suffer hair loss. These include a poor diet and aging. Low testosterone levels is also a common cause of hair loss.
This goes beyond head hair to body hair as well.
4. Fatigue
Fatigue is a common symptom of low testosterone. You can expect to feel tired occasionally. This is not what fatigue is.
Fatigue is when you constantly feel tired, even when you should be well-rested.
If your work schedule is the same and you have not included extra physical activities into your schedule, feeling tired all the time for an extended period of time is not normal.
5. Affected Memory
Cognitive functions and testosterone levels both decline with age. Medical professionals have theorized that low testosterone levels can affect memory.
This can explain why older men experience forgetfulness. Further, testosterone supplements have shown an improvement in memory. This supports the theory that low testosterone levels affect one’s memory and cognitive function.
6. Small Testicle Size
The male body requires optimal testosterone levels to develop the testicles and penis. For this reason, men with low testosterone levels will often have disproportionately smaller testicles or penis compared to a male with normal levels.
7. Decreased Bone Mass
Low T can begin to affect one’s physical health as health. One way this happens is through the decreased bone mass. This hormone helps to strengthen the bone.
If you have very low levels of it, you have lower bone volume, and you’re more susceptible to fractures.
Low testosterone levels can affect your cognition, physical health, and affect your emotional health. All these lower your quality of life significantly.
The good news is that your doctor can discuss various therapies with you, including supplementation to manage these symptoms.