If you work in sales, there’s a good chance that you’ve done some cold calling in your life. And while this might not be your most preferred way to speak with prospects, cold calling can be a great way to get people interested in what you’re selling and set up some appointments for you to close a sale. But to get to this point, you have to know who to make the most of your time on a cold call.
To help you in doing this, here are three tips for a more successful cold call.
Change Your Focus From Sales To Education And Connection
Your attitude going into a cold call can make a big difference in how well the cold call will go. If you’re too pushy and want to just get to the closing of the sale as quickly as possible, the chances are slim that you’ll be able to reach this goal. So rather than going this route, you might want to change your focus.
If you can shift your focus from selling to educating and connecting, you might find that your cold calls will become much more successful. Instead of just trying to get a sale for yourself, put yourself in the mindset of educating both your lead and yourself. In educating your lead through the sales script you use, even if you don’t make a sale today, you can at least know that you’ve created a positive educational experience between your brand and your prospect. And along with this, you can learn from this experience yourself to see how you might be able to improve upon things in the future.
Make Your Opening Remarks More Compelling
With the right objectives in mind, you should then customize your script to help you reach your goals.
As part of your script, you’ll want to make sure that you give your opening remarks specific attention. Make sure you include your name and the name of the company, a question to get the person talking, and the specific reason why you’re calling. With this information, you can feel confident that the first few seconds of your call will set your conversation off on the right foot.
Call At The Right Time Of Day
Once you have a script that you feel confident in using on your cold calls, you then have to decide when to place your call. If you place your call at the wrong time of day for your leads and prospects, there’s even less of a chance that you’ll be able to have a successful call.
Depending on the leads or prospects that you’re calling, you’ll want to try to find a time of day when they won’t be busy or overwhelmed with other things. This might include first thing in the morning, right after lunch, or at other common downtimes.
If you’re going to be making sale cold calls in the future, consider using the tips mentioned above to help make these leads bring more success for you.