Your first day on the job as facility manager holds a heavy weight of many responsibilities. You’re in charge of the whole building. The equipment that makes the business run, the grounds, the infrastructure of the building, and more are all under your watchful eye as facility manager.
A great facility manager needs to have a good eye for the big picture. They need to know how people are using the building, how local communities interact with the building, and more importantly, how to make sure daily tasks are properly maintained.
If you’re looking to expand your skills as a new property manager, a little research can go a long way. Take a moment now to read through a brief overview of a few beginner-level facility management tips that will help keep you on the right track.
Join a professional network for guidance
Starting a new role in your professional career can be a bit discombobulating at first. It helps to have experience as your guide. Joining a professional network will help you to connect with others who have already walked in your shoes.
Look into your role in the International Facility Management Association (or IFMA), and you will find connections you may not otherwise have discovered.
Start making a focused effort to learn the lexicon
You will be made to wear many different hats as a facility manager. If you don’t already know the tricks of several different hands-on trades, now is a good time to start learning. You’ll have to be able to understand a technical conversation about your machinery/facility.
Take the time to learn as professional electricians inspect the setup of your building. You may not be able to fix every problem on your own, but staying in the know will help you make better decisions in the future.
Learn the tools of your trade
It’s wise to invest in a capable tool collection when you’re responsible for the upkeep of a facility. Learn how to put the tools you have to good use, and make yourself a more capable constituent of the facility.
Integrate technology whenever possible
When technology is available to make your job easier, there’s no question on whether or not you should move to integrate that technology. If you’re responsible for some bookkeeping, there’s a software app that is more than capable of solving your struggles.
Focus on boosting communications
You can’t handle the job alone, and the people you have supporting your position of facility manager need to be in the know at all times.
Boost your communications through the various platforms provided by today’s technology. Don’t ever miss a call, Skype, or text, and utilize the most capable devices for your business communications.