If your business is still using landline numbers, there are very real savings to be made with virtual telephone numbers, and windows of opportunity which you should not let pass you by. While 2020 sounds very futuristic, it is in fact the year we are in, so it pays to be aware of the technological opportunities available to your business. Read on to see our top tips on how you can use virtual telephone numbers in 2020 to make your business as successful as it can be.
Don’t let relocation disrupt your customers’ ability to get in touch
When you move premises, whether for financial or practical reasons, it can be a carry-on to have to change location, change landline number, and then have to change all your business cards and update your website when you have so many more important matters to focus on. If you use a virtual telephone number this can allow you to keep the same number and have the customers’ calls relocated to your new office.
This can also be true for getting a new mobile, if your company updates company phones to a new, more efficient model, you can keep the same numbers with virtual telephone numbers. With mobile phones it can be especially useful, as people are advised to update phones for practical, operational and fashion reasons every couple of years, as well as making sure they pay attention to digital security.
Put customers at ease with the reassurance of a local code
When it comes to making your business feel more approachable and reliable, once you are trading at the national level, being able to advertise phone numbers in different areas to the local area code can pay dividends. This especially works if they can all be routed through a single call centre in one region, allowing you to manage costs more effectively. You can even get a virtual number with an STD code for the specific city or area you are doing business in.
Catch attention with special memorable numbers
If you were asked to try to think of a memorable phone number it would likely seem hard at first.
But, if you were asked to think of a memorable phone number jingle, it is likely to be that one or two would come to mind. The 118 118 number, with adverts featuring two uniformed excitable mascots, is one great example. Another, which you will remember at once when you hear it, is the “ten sixty-six” advert, which set the number “0800 double one, ten sixty-six” to a catchy jingle. While it is easy to forget what the products are, the jingles are some of the most memorable in recent British advertising history, and easily deserve the title of “earworms”.
With a virtual telephone number, it is possible to pay for a vanity number. This can be as melodious or as memorable as you need it to be – and it works exactly the same way for your customers, too.