Getting money that is needed for buying a home can be difficult. Nobody knows that better than Jacques Poujade, a managing partner at LendPlus.
His company, LendPlus helps people from different backgrounds get money that can be used to help purchase a home right away. When the money is secured, a person can finally pursue the home they really want.
How exactly does this process work? Poujade sat down to give us some insight on the industry, and LendPlus differentiates themselves from the competition.
What makes LendPlus different?
Purchasing a home can be challenging, and we basically try to do whatever possible to make sure that potential home buyers feel comfortable. This means making the financial side of things as easy as possible.
We specialize in working with people who might be struggling to get a loan from other sources. When others say no, we’d like to say yes.
Do you offer refinancing options?
Our specialty is in helping those purchasing a home, but we also offer re-financing options for people who might be stuck paying a little bit too much. Not a lot of people understand just how much money they can save on a monthly basis just by looking into and implementing a refinancing option.
Are you able to help those who might have a unique situation?
In 2019, we realize that there are many different ways for people to bring in money. Many lenders out there tend to still think that everyone needs a traditional job and paycheck to be approved for a loan.
We work with people who have had bankruptcy issues in the past. We also specialize in making dreams become reality for those who are self-employed. While we can’t guarantee that everyone will be approved, we do whatever possible to make sure that everyone gets a fair chance.
What does LendPlus do to help give back to the community?
We have been helping feed the homeless for the last few years. We are located in the state of California, and there are a lot of people struggling for a full meal each day. Our goal in 2019 is to feed 5000 homeless, and we are already well on our way towards meeting the goal and exceeding expectations.
Along with that, we are always doing local community events to help out as much as we can. We take a lot of pride in our community, and most of us grew up in the area.
Is there any advice you would give for those looking to buy a home?
I personally believe it is very important for a person to always find the right fit for them financially. We like to think that LendPlus is the perfect fit, but the reality is it might not be for everyone. If a person does decide to go with us, we will do whatever possible to make things work and offer sound real estate advice. We understand everyone has different needs, and every person has something that makes their situation need attention.
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