There’s been a tectonic shift in how companies operated, especially when COVID-19 Pandemic struck. Despite a sudden change in our social lives, our professional lives have drastically changed too. Most firms are evaluating what seems a better way out to solving work-related issues and concerns.
The Human Resource Department, over the years, has played a massive role in any organisation. A handful is expected from the department, talk of policies and procedures compliant, personal recruiting and hiring, workplace safety, and training. If you’re probably worked as an HR manager before, you’d realise that all these functions aren’t enough to achieve what is termed as a conducive working environment. For solid employee productivity to reach its potential, here are a few tips that would work for every HR Manager out there.
Conduct An Employee Survey.
There’s no doubt that you’ll need to consider utilising workplace surveys and questionnaires for your business to grow. Your leadership style determines your organisation’s profit. Administering surveys is a better way of finding out what your labourers think about you as a leader, your brand, and the firm at large. The surveys you make also matter. For all you know, some surveys may result in glaring failures.
Your questionnaires should base on peer-reviewed findings, behavioural sciences, and the company’s experiences. If the surveys are too impulsive, it will push your staff away into thinking that you’re evading their privacy. For accuracy and usefulness, your survey should follow these basic needs: Content, format, language, measurement, and administration.
Build A Strong Connection With Team Members And Co-workers.
For lack of a better word, if there’s no good relationship between you and your colleagues, you better sort out every issue of lousy blood as soon as possible before things go haywire. Business productivity gets waylaid when there are continuous conflicts and disagreements.
In peace, respect, and perfect harmony, it would be easy to interact deeper. There would be transparency, and your staff would consult you any day, any time, with no doubt and fears. In turn, the company would yield much profit as you’d make decisions promptly and take immediate actions in case of risks involved.
Update Technology and Tools.
In a world where we face cut-throat competition as far as the job market is concerned, companies need to develop upgraded tech-savvy tools to boost productivity instead of impeding it. In addition, technology is snowballing, and therefore, from time to time, the HR department should ensure that the tools used are regularly upgraded to improve the firm’s operations.
Outdated software and hardware tend to slow down employees’ performance. For example, using the latest version of Microsoft Windows will have slow responses when structuring emails, invoices, and other tasks.
Delegate Duties.
There’s a way that an HR manager confuses that; assigning tasks to employees is what is considered as the delegation of duties. Yes, this may be somewhat close to what real delegation is, but it’s not. Delegation in a lame man’s language is giving out responsibilities to expect workers to do what is needed and achieve the desired results by responding to the authority in command.
Most organisations fail in this aspect, and the company’s objective ends up not accomplished. As a manager, communicate face-face with the person you’re handing the responsibility to, ensure that you both understand each other towards the commitment of the task, authorise all parties involved and lastly, do a follow-up.
Expanding Your Mindset.
As a Human Resource Department, you can consider utilising the best workforce management software to expand the company’s parameters. The software will assist in planning, managing, and tracking employee’s performance and will work as a central repository for collecting data without necessarily the HR’S doing everything.
In addition, the software provides is cloud-based enforcement that is not only safe but also helps in navigating the various drawbacks your firm might be facing.
Promoting Incentives Among Employees.
If you’re a manager, you’ll agree that it’s a fundamental requirement to promote a desired professional ethic, staff morale, and innovation within the office environment. In addition, it’s an opportunity to achieve a fun and competitive culture that would steer your employees’ perception that a regular job is tedious. By offering these rewards and free benefits to your labourers, you’ll motivate them to crave employment, boost their confidence, and encourage healthy competition, which will finally help achieve the business’s goals.
Incentives may be in the form of monetary or non-monetary terms depending on how you wish to award your staff. Non-monetary incentive perks include a casual dressing code, snacks, flexible work timetables, among others. All these can impact the employees significantly and motivate them to work hard.
Communicate Effectively.
Every business needs an appropriate communication system and structure to ensure efficiency. Your internal communication is the bedrock of your organization. The way you talk to your colleagues and employees may positively or negatively affect how employees perform individually and at team levels.
According to IBM, sources found out that 72% of labourers are unaware of what is expected of them, especially when it comes to their goals and strategies. As a leader, make a habit of encouraging two-way communication. By this, you can also allow your workers to have a say in the company instead of presenting them like passive characters.
In conclusion, by adopting a productivity plan for your firm, HR managers must develop the right tools and systems to help cultivate their efforts.