Nowadays, with kids mostly confined to home, it is more important than ever to keep them busy and productive too. Like adults, children can get bored in the same surroundings, resulting in irritation and frustration. And while a lot of schools have already adopted the virtual method of teaching, there will be a lot of time on your child’s hands left to fill. Homework should take priority over other activities as it teaches a child to take responsibility for assigned tasks and reinforces their learning skills. After completing their school work, the younger ones can start playing with toys that boost their creativity, like Playmobil City Life. Toys that help them think creatively teaches them how to handle situations and solve problems, which they will need as they mature. They can also benefit from physical activities like biking or playing outside.
Here are some activities that can keep your child productive at home.
Encourage them to dabble in art
One of the most productive ways that children can spend their time is by creating art. Art can come in different forms, from painting and drawing to singing and dancing. If you notice an artistic inclination, provide your child with the materials they need to pursue it. Art materials like crayons, paintbrushes, watercolours, clay, construction paper, and other items used for artwork are inexpensive but give your child so much to do. You also encourage them to be creative and to use their imagination with whatever they create. If your child is inclined towards music, learning a new musical instrument can provide them with hours of enjoyment practising and mastering how to play pieces. As they grow older, they may even play well enough to perform in front of people. Meanwhile, the rest of the family can be the captive audience to further inspire them to do better.
Inspire them to work on craft projects
Crafting can keep your child busy for hours on end. Like artwork, they make their own creations. Beading, knitting, or sewing projects are just some of the many craft activities that your child will enjoy. Apart from keeping them preoccupied, you help them build up their self-esteem. They take pride in their finished projects that can be displayed in their room, where they can show them off to friends who come to visit.
Motivate them to read
Reading books is one of the most educational activities for your child. They use their imagination, discover new things, and explore the world. They widen their vocabulary, learn how to empathize with characters and their situations, and understand more about life. Even younger kids who are not as adept with reading can enjoy picture books that tell stories. You can also bond with your child, read to them, and enjoy the quality time you spend together.
Your child can develop their skills and talents even from home. Given the materials to work with and the proper motivation, they can involve themselves in productive activities at home. Think of ways to keep them busy without staying in front of the TV the whole day. They need to be physically and mentally active to grow into happy and productive adults.