Even with all of your plans to travel to Singapore in place like having your air ticket and hotel booked, your itinerary and holiday package well arranged, and all other things done, you may still have one hurdle to clear. Your Singapore visa could stand in your way of entering the island state. Some errors, despite how little, in your visa application process or other reasons could lead to your visa being rejected.
Isn’t it so discouraging to do all the groundwork just to have your visa application rejected? Of course it is. So, to keep this from happening, you need to be aware of some of the most common grounds that can lead to your visa rejection. They include:
Passport issues
Among the most critical things to check when applying for your visa, your passport should be top on the list. There is a high likelihood of your Singapore visa application being turned down by the embassy if you submit a damaged passport or one that is in bad shape. Besides this, submitting an invalid passport will also lead to visa rejection.
Applying when you already have a valid visa
Only those who have no Singaporean visa can be issued with one. You must wait for the current visa to expire before applying for another, otherwise the application will not go through.
Very brief invitation letters
Visa applicants intending to visit relatives or friends in Singapore should get an invitation letter from their Singaporean host to back their application. A challenge could arise if the letter is not sufficiently detailed and does not expressly state that the host will provide free food and accommodation for the applicant during their whole stay in Singapore.
Similarly, when a work visa holder wants to bring their dependents to Singapore to stay with them, they must prove that their income can support them. If the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is not convinced the work visa holder has sufficient financial ability to support their dependents, the dependant’s pass application will be rejected. You can learn more about this from the visa agents who process the applications or check out the MOM website for more information.
Partially-filled application forms
If you hand in visa application forms that are incompletely filled, have errors, or are unsigned, your application will be turned down. A single mistake is sufficient enough to lead to rejection. To avoid refusal of an application, fill the form out correctly and completely and crosscheck it for any mistakes or unfilled sections. Furthermore, be consistent as you fill the data in your statements.
Double application
At times in a bid to get their visa more quickly, some people apply for it twice. The sad news is that double application could get your visa application rejected since the Singapore Consulate normally turns down double applications of visas. Furthermore, you will find yourself in a position where you cannot apply again for some time, so apply only once to avoid this.
Issues arising from the previous visit
Denial of visa after a visit to Singapore should trigger you to analyze if you did something wrong during your previous visit like getting caught doing something illegal during your first visit. In the same way, if you overstayed after your visa validity expired, you would be blacklisted and your next visa application would not be approved.
You can avoid all of the above issues and other things so your visa application to Singapore can be accepted. Besides this, working with a reliable visa agent is a good idea since they are experienced and know what could make your application not go through and guide you accordingly. Nevertheless, the Singapore Consulate and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority have the final word about the approval and rejection of visas. As such, it is at their discretion to approve or reject any visa as they may deem fit.