Printing of newspaper is done on the newsprint, instead of the regular sized office paper. In fact, the newspaper print is thin, therefore much lighter in weight in comparison to the office paper. The average weight of newsprint comes in between the 40 to 57 grams per square meter, which supports the reason that printing on newspaper brings up a far clearer image in comparison to the pictures printed on standard sized paper. However, it is also necessary to understand here that printing on the newspaper print is not a reliable means if you want to keep the documents protected for a long time. The newsprint is not treated with appropriate chemicals, and after few months, the paper itself starts showing brittle and yellowish nature. The newsprint paper comes in variety of sizes, and in the days of digital printing, newsprint can be used in standard printer copy paper to get a very fine quality output.
The exciting part is that many online newspaper printing services use this non-archival paper. The newsprint has a typical off-white casting, which provides it quite a distinctive feel than a regular printing paper. Newspaper print is affordable in comparison to paper grades, which are put in use in printing of sales brochures and the glossy magazines. Furthermore, the newsprint is tough enough to pass through the rigors of web printing presses. The paper on which newspapers are printed are good for the four-color printing done on most ultra-modern printing processes.
Process of Newsprint Printing on Web print
Step#1– Start with making an insertion of one newsprint paper at a time, because,newsprint is light in weight and it also has low density, and there are strong chances of it being stick together if at any point of time more than one newsprint is added into the printer.
Step#2 – Now you need to set the paper setting to “Thin Paper”. Every printer has a different type of paper setting. This is where you have to check the printer’s setting.The option for paper type setting for Newspaper is provided inside system settings menu, or maybe in the page setup menu and in some printers this option comes in the printer dialogue box.
Step#3 – Select the image and the text, which needs to be printed on newspaper print. Click on the “File” tab and later you select the “Print” option to activate the print menu. Next, press “CTRL-P” the process of printing begins.
Step#4- If there is a multi-page document or image, which needs to be on newsprint printing, you need to keep inserting the newsprint straight inside the printer tray. Press the “Resume” button on your computer’s application window, and process continues.
Now, you have a pretty good idea what is meant by the newspaper print, and how it plays an important role in critical process of newspaper printing. Next time when you have a newspaper in your hand, you will get to know the importance of what goes behind entire process of printing.
About the author:
Nitin Maheta is the Founder of and a tech geek. Besides blogging he love reading books, Learning new things, and Hanging out with friends.
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