Arshad Madhani has been in the digital marketing industry for well over a decade. Working with a variety of companies, as well as himself, he has certainly seen a lot. That is why we were very happy to have him sit down for a short interview with us here at Feed Yes.
He shared some insights on not only his work schedule, but his personal life as well. Here’s what Madhani told us during his interview.
Arshad, Briefly Describe for Our Readers Your Role as A Digital Marketer
Arshad Madhani: “It is hard for me to exactly describe what a digital marketer does, simply because there are so many things that go into it. Every single project is going to be slightly different, and the strategy I use for one company might be different for the next.
Basically, the goal is to become as relevant as possible by reaching out to a customer base for each different type of product. I help businesses reach new people, and I hope to make products much more intriguing to all.”
Since our Blog is Called Feed Yes, Describe to Us a Time You Were Glad You Said “Yes!”
Arshad: “I think it was a scary time for me in the beginning when I decided to work for myself in some ways. It takes a big leap for anyone to finally decide to do something like that. There is a bit of an unknown, and it can be scary if things don’t go exactly as planned.
It took a lot of hard work, but I am very happy with the decision to work for myself not only in the past, but in the present day as well. I’m definitely glad I said yes to myself.”
How Did Saying Yes Change Your Life and/or Career?
Arshad: “It has opened up a lot of opportunities for me to really work with some creative entrepreneurs and business owners out there. Without saying yes to myself, I never would have had that opportunity to meet so many different people.
Every single time a person meets a new person in the industry, it is another connection that can be used in the future as well. It is a great way to grow individually.”
Now on the Opposite End, Describe to Us a Time You Were Glad You Said “No.”
Arshad: “Right out of college, I was a little bit hesitant about landing just the right job. Perhaps I was not as open-minded as I would have liked, because I actually said no to some pretty intriguing positions. I don’t want to get into too much detail and name names, but I did have an opportunity sitting on the table for me that I said no to. I just thought it was a little bit too corporate, and I wanted to be working with smaller companies and businesses instead. It definitely would have been beneficial in the short term, but I feel like I was better off five years later.”
Now for a Quirky Question, What is One Thing You Have on You At All Times?
Arshad: “Whether I like it or not, I have to say my phone. It is really amazing to see how much time I actually spend on my phone throughout the day. Most of it is related to business, but I am also communicating with family and friends as well. Let’s just say that I was not really that thrilled the last time I got an update on the amount of screen time per day for me. It is just very hard to cut back, since I do need to stay plugged in as part of my work.”
And Lastly, Some Fast Questions: Dog or Cat Person?, Window Seat or Aisle Seat?, Facebook or Instagram?, iPhone or Android?
Arshad: “Can I say both? I prefer dogs slightly, but cats are cool too. I am always a sucker for a window seat so that I can see cool views coming into a city. Instagram seems like the better of the two right now, although I was a huge Facebook fan just a few years ago. I’ve never owned an Android, so iPhone all the way.”
Connect with Arshad Madhani by visiting his Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as his official website,
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