Building a property is a complex process that involves knowledge of architecture, building codes, zoning rules, and many other aspects. But during this process, it is necessary to have companies and professionals with different functions. One is the contractor. And, to become a professional and licensed contractor, you need to avail Dwelling contractor qualifier pre-license course. The term is well known in the field of civil construction. But for those who do not understand the subject, it cannot be obvious to comprehend for sure what the role of a contractor is. A contractor is a company with a wide range of duties and responsibilities when building an enterprise. In this matter, we will explain what a contractor is and what its functions in work are.
What is a dwelling contractor?
In general terms, dwelling contractors are organizations contracted to carry out specific works in civil construction work. Thus, the company provides services through a contract and is remunerated as the activities are performed. Generally, the contractor offers a series of services performed by professionals who are specialists in the field. Some of the most common jobs for the contractor are –
Ø Electrical installations,
Ø Hydraulic installations,
Ø Sanitary facilities,
Ø Roofing installation,
Ø Installation of coatings,
Ø Application of frames,
Ø Construction equipment rental,
Ø And other services.
What a Contractor does?
As the contractor acts as an outsourced company, the contractor does not have to worry about hiring and guiding professionals. All responsibility under the labor team rests with the contractor, including the payment of fees. It is essential to know that the company is not responsible for planning a construction project. Therefore, before hiring a construction contractor, it is necessary to have a project made possible by a civil engineer.
Contractor’s responsibilities in construction
There are many duties that a contractor must perform to ensure that the construction project is completed in the best way. Ideally, all tasks are detailed in the service contract. But, generally, the company is responsible for the following aspects of civil construction work –
Implement the work plan
All work begins with planning, and with the service of the contractors, it would be no different. The contractor’s first role is to implement a work plan for carrying out the project. Therefore, the contractor must develop a schedule for the execution of the tasks and ensure compliance with deadlines.
Besides implementing the construction plan, the contractor is responsible for hiring, supervising, and firing employees who work on the project. Likewise, the company must also be responsible for workers’ payroll.
Project management and monitoring
To complete construction, according to planning, the contractor needs to act in project management and monitoring. Thus, it is the company’s responsibility –
- Check the quantity and quality of construction materials received at the construction site,
- Provide necessary construction equipment,
- Monitor the quality of work,
- Avoid waste of materials,
- Monitor the progress of the work,
- Implement changes when deemed necessary.
Ensuring security
Ensuring safety in the workplace is a significant concern in any construction work. Thus, the contractor must follow work safety standards. One way to do this is to ensure that personal protective equipment is used to reduce accidents. The basis of the work of the contractors is the execution of certain services. Therefore, the company must also ensure the quality of the performance and finish of the work.
When hiring a contractor can be advantageous?
Generally, the hiring process of own labor tends to take some time between the opening of the vacancy and the full production of the contracted professional. Selecting and hiring a new employee can take more than thirty days. When we choose to hire a contractor, the process of entering the professional or the team at the construction site can be cut in half. Another advantage of hiring a contractor is performing a particular service or a range of related services. The Contractor establishes a service delivery contract to perform defined services. Through this contract, he will be responsible for the labor employed in that service, assuming the expenses with Certifications, Qualifications, and Labor Charges.
Finally, contracting contractors have positive effects when considering the seasonality of certain services. Let’s think about a project with a very tight schedule. In these situations, we usually have peaks in production, which can intersperse with each other. It implies many hires and layoffs, the need for adjustments to the Jobsite layout, and many other points that the entrepreneur is well aware of. Thus, a good option is to outsource specific services, which guarantee the work’s delivery on time and without losing quality. The hiring process tends to be faster, and the team already starts the activity with good training.
Did you notice how it plays a vital role in construction? So the contractor’s responsibility involves implementing the work plan, meeting deadlines, and hiring labor.