You have heard of anabolic steroids and now you think the time has come to try them out. After finding some useful definitions and explanations online, you believe that you know exactly what to do with these drugs and how to use them. Why, you have even begun spreading information, acting as if you were the expert on the topic.
Well, keep your shirt on for a little while longer. Are you aware of the dangers that come with misusing anabolics? Do you want to feel them on your skin? Do you want others to feel them on their skin after getting advice from you? I have a piece of advice as well. Stop talking about it until you have actually become an expert.
Spreading misinformation leads to people getting the strangest ideas about these products. Some start associating them to magical pills that will get you ripped in no time, while others end up trembling in fear upon the mere mention of steroids. All of them create some kind of misconceptions that could only be created with the help of ill-informed people. Don’t encourage those misconceptions.
Furthermore, when you are at the point of trying out an anabolic yourself, you cannot rely on any general knowledge you might have. No matter how spot-on your information might be, that’s simply not enough to get you started. You want to learn some specifics before you start taking the drugs. After all, it wouldn’t be very wise to start out with the most powerful anabolic out there.
Speaking of specifics, if you have done at least a little research, I suppose you have at least come across sites like, and became acquainted with Winstrol. It is usually among the first products that pop up when beginners start searching for their perfect steroid supplement. This is because it has become known as one of the mildest products on the market.
However, although it is regarded as rather mild, it is still a steroid. Some measures of precaution are necessary despite its reputation. No anabolic should be taken for granted. Sure, I get that the cute nickname “Winny” can mislead you a little bit, but this is not child’s play. In short, you mustn’t use it the way you think would be best without consulting someone and finding some reliable and useful sources of information.
What Is Winny?
When you do a bit more detailed search on this drug, you probably mostly come across websites speaking of its positive effects, or people sharing their results. And yet, seeing that someone used Winny for a couple of weeks and was very happy with it tells you virtually nothing about the supplement. What you need is a bit different. You need to find out why you should use this compound, as well as how to use it. Let’s get started with the basics.
Winstrol is a brand name for an androgenic anabolic steroid medication called Stanozolol. It was first developed by an American pharmaceutical company in 1962. This medication has long been used in veterinary medicine, but it has also been approved for human consumption. It is sold as an oral tablet, or as an injection, although the injectable form is rather difficult to source.
This medication has been used in the treatment of hereditary angioedema for a long time now. Over the years, though, this drug has become rather popular among bodybuilders and athletes. In fact, it is believed to be one of the most commonly used anabolics in the world of bodybuilders. Maybe that’s why it has earned such a sweet nickname. Find out more.
What Are Its Effects?
I don’t suppose that I need to emphasize how you should be careful when starting to use this product. As a beginner, you should start out slow and watch how your body reacts to the drug. If you notice any unwanted process happening in your body, my advice is to stop. Although, if you are responsible in keeping track of dosages and following instructions, then you will most likely only feel its benefits. Oh, and – leave stacking to professionals.
Luckily, Winstrol is known as one of the rare steroids that can have a lot of positive effects when used alone. It is most praised for its ability to harden your muscles. That will significantly help you in shaping your body and accentuating each and every muscle. You will no longer envy other people for their looks. In fact, you will be the one envied by others.
In addition to this, Winny really does wonders for your energy and overall athletic performance. This means that you will be stronger and faster, but you can stay lean if that is what you want. Some people don’t like to be “mass monsters”, while they need some energy boost. That’s achievable with Winny.