Perspex is a type of premium-quality acrylic often used for home improvements and agriculture applications. However, this material can serve a variety of purposes. Let’s have a look at 5 common vs. 5 uncommon uses for Perspex.
5 Common Uses for Perspex
1. Home Improvement
Perhaps the most popular use for Perspex is in the home improvement area. From acrylic window glazing and skylights to interior design elements, acrylic enjoys a variety of versatile uses. For instance, the material is often used for making kitchen and bathroom backsplashes, but also cabinets and acrylic furniture.
Some of these objects are readily available on the market, but you can also have Perspex cut to size to fit a custom project or for DIY purposes.
2. Gardening
Perspex is often used inside the home, but the material also finds its place in the garden. The outdoor use can range from utilitarian to decorative. For instance, you can build a greenhouse with Perspex panels and a few wood boards or metal poles.
Acrylic flower pots are also popular – models can range from simplistic to designer pots you can use to decorate your deck or porch.
3. Hobbies & Crafts
High-quality transparent acrylic sheets are a versatile medium that can replace glass in most handicraft applications. At the same time, acrylic is also a material used in the manufacture of hobby objects, such as aquariums.
In the aquarium world, you can also find thermometers and aquarium accessories made of the same material.
4. Artistic Sculpting
Glass sculptures have been around for ages, mesmerising art enthusiasts with their ethereal charm. However, most artists are now replacing the glass with Perspex or other premium acrylic alternatives. The change is justified by the acrylic’s resistance to impact, shock, and adverse temperature.
5. Helmet Visors
Acrylic also is used successfully in the automotive industry, especially for making helmet visors. In this case, too, the main advantage of acrylic over glass is the material’s outstanding resistance to shock and impacts.
5 Uncommon Uses for Perspex
1. Underwater Windows
Have you ever admired those fancy glass tunnels that allow you to admire the beauty of the ocean from the comfort of your bed or whilst having dinner? Well, those tunnels may look like glass, but they’re actually made of quality acrylic sheeting. Submarine portholes are also usually made of acrylic plastic.
2. Airplane Canopies
Airplane canopies are transparent enclosures over the cockpit of an aircraft designed to provide the pilot a weatherproof and quiet environment whilst also providing them with an unobstructed view. This type of cockpit is often seen in military aircraft but also in recreational planes.
3. Fibre Optic Cabling
Have you ever wondered what is fibre optic cabling made of? Well, of acrylic sheeting, among other things. Acrylic is a rather recent addition to the fibre optic cabling manufacture, replacing glass thanks to its incredible strength and flexibility.
4. Fashion Industry
Not many think of it, but acrylic is a very common material used in the fashion industry. From fancy footwear to accessories, you can find a wide range of acrylic objects made by the most famous fashion designers.
5. Corneal Implants
Last but not least, acrylic also plays an important role in the medical world. Perhaps one of the most peculiar uses is that of corneal implants designed to help treat mild myopia and astigmatism in keratoconus patients. These implants can help patients eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses.